Here is how to extract the aloe gel from an aloe vera plant using the easiest possible method, as well as how to thicken homemade aloe vera gel naturally for easy application and use.
Aloe vera gel has some of the most diverse uses of any plant, from treating burns to helping with constipation. It’s one of the most common ingredients found in many of my homemade DIY products, and best of all, it can be grown right at home in your garden!

Uses for Aloe Vera
Some of the many uses for aloe vera gel include:
- As a treatment for acne scars and craters. Simply rub the aloe gel on affected areas two to three times a day. It’s a slow-acting treatment, so don’t expect to see much of a result right away. Some anecdotal reports specify that improvements were noticed after one and a half years, and only when this treatment was applied consistently, every day.
- Rubbed into the scalp to promote hair growth.
- Blended into smoothies and juices for health-boosting benefits.
- Applied as a face mask.
- Used after the bath or shower as a moisturiser.
- Used in makeup; homemade mascara, eyeliner, etc.
I recently learnt that I’d been removing the gel from aloe leaves all wrong! I was watching Plastic Free Mermaid’s YouTube tutorial on how to extract aloe gel from the plant, and along the way I came to realise that the “correct” way to do this was not my way at all. But her way turned out to be so much easier.
So, to pass on her wisdom, here’s how to remove the gel from an aloe vera leaf properly.
Before we get started in learning how to extract aloe gel from the leaf, if you like what you’re seeing, subscribe to my email newsletter at the bottom of the page to keep up to date on the latest recipes, DIYs, gardening and health tips I share!!

Extracting Aloe Vera Gel from the Leaf
1. Choose Your Aloe Leaf.
When picking the leaves opt for the outermost ones – choose the oldest and largest of the leaves to use.
2. Clean Away the Yellow Liquid.
You may notice after cutting the leaf from the plant that there is a yellow liquid oozing from the cut. This is a sap called aloe latex and it’s not actually part of the aloe vera gel, which you’ll see is clear. Aloe latex contains laxative properties. To stop the liquid from oozing everywhere, point the leaf vertically with the cut facing down, and leave it sitting in a bowl to allow the liquid to drain.
3. Cut Away the Top Section of the Leaf.
Towards the top end of the leaf, it starts to becomes much thinner. Rather than spending time fiddling with this tiny amount of gel, trying to extract every last bit, cut this portion off and compost it.
4. Cut Away the Spikes.
Remove the spikey edges on either side of the leaf by carefully sliding the knife along the edge of the leaf, keeping your hands a safe distance away. Cut as close to the spikes as possible to avoid losing some of the gel in the process.

5. Remove the Top and Bottom Leaf ‘Skin’ Layers.
The leaves have a flat side, and a curved side. Begin with the flat side. Lay your leaf flat on a cutting board and carefully slice away the skin of the aloe vera leaf, pushing your knife down into the chopping board as you slide it along the bottom, while also pushing the top of the leaf down onto the knife to make it as flat as possible. Your knife should be in between the gel and the green skin. Repeat on other side.
6. Making the Gel.
At this point, you should have slabs of clear gel. If you notice any bits of leaf left on them, cut it away. The aloe vera gel can be used as is, or it can be blended up to break down its fibrous structure. Simply pop the gel pieces into a blender and blitz until frothy and liquified; this should only take a few seconds. The gel will keep in an airtight container in the fridge for up to one week, or freeze into ice cubes and keep for up to 6 months.

How to Thicken Your Homemade Aloe Vera Gel
Making your own homemade aloe vera gel is a great way to ensure you are only putting the natural product onto your skin, as many commercial aloe vera gels are loaded with thickening agents. This is because pure aloe gel straight from the plant, when blended, is incredibly runny and watery.
Fresh aloe vera isn’t like the thick and gloopy gel you squeeze out of a tube. While the inner leaf pulp of the aloe plant is a gel-like substance, when you toss that pulp into a blender, it turns into a frothy liquid.
While there is nothing wrong with this liquidy aloe vera, it’s more of a juice then a gel, and so can be challenging to apply onto the body. So, if you’re tired of dealing with runny aloe vera, below are a few natural thickeners you can add to your homemade aloe vera gel to create a more gel-like product rather than a juice.
Powdered Gelatin
Adding powdered gelatin to your homemade runny aloe juice will help to create an extra-thick gel.
To thicken your homemade aloe gel, start by mixing one tablespoon of a high-quality powdered gelatin with a quarter of a cup (1/4 cup) of cold water and then let it rest for about five minutes or so, or until the gelatin thickens to a jelly-like substance.
From there, you will need to heat it. You can do this by adding one cup of hot water to the mixture, which will return the gelatin solution to a liquid again. From here, add this gelatin liquid to your blended aloe vera juice. Whisk the ingredients together until well combined, then store the aloe-gelatin mixture in the fridge for around 30 minutes or so, or until the mixture has thickened significantly. When starting out, it can be challenging to work out the best ratios to use when making your aloe vera gel. A good rule of thumb is to use one cup of aloe vera gel for one cup of hot water. After making it for the first time, you may find you will need to adjust the ratios slightly depending on how thick you want your aloe gel to be.
Xanthan Gum
Most natural commercial aloe vera brands use either xanthan gum or agar to thicken their aloe gel products. Xanthan gum is one of the easiest thickeners to use, as the gum powder acts almost instantly, so you can adjust the ratios as you go.
However, xanthan gum won’t create an actual gel-like texture, it simply thickens the soupy aloe vera juice so it’s easier to apply onto the skin.
So, if you are trying to create an actual gel, then gelatin or agar may prove to be better options.
To use the xanthan gum to thicken your homemade aloe vera gel, simply blend your aloe vera pulp, add the xanthan gum powder, then blend again until the mixture is well combined.
Start off using a small amount of xanthan gum powder, about a quarter of a teaspoon (1/4 teaspoon) per two cups of aloe vera gel. Then, if you need, you can add more xanthan gum powder as required until you achieve your desired consistency. As a general rule, to achieve a thick mixture, use a concentration of about 0.3 percent to one percent xanthan gum (which works out to be about one third to one teaspoon of powder in two cups of aloe gel).
Aloe Vera for Skin Care
Aloe gel can be rubbed into skin straight from the plant, or the gel can be blended up with a little water and frozen into some popsicle moulds or ice cubes for easy application. Alternatively, incorporating the blended aloe vera juice with a natural thickener (see options above) can help to create a gel that is much easier to apply onto the skin.
Aloe vera gel can help to clear up acne scars, pimples and dark spots, and improve skin’s overall complexion when used consistently overtime. Aloe is a slow-acting treatment, so results in skin health are seen over the long-term.

As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor before trying or using any new products. I am not a doctor. All opinions expressed are my own personal thoughts and feelings of the products mentioned. Check with your doctor or health practitioner if you are uncertain about trying out any of the products, recipes or tips mentioned in this post.
Have you used aloe vera before? What did you think of it? Share in the comments below.
Lots of love,
1 Comment
Thanks for the information. A leaf broke of whilst repotting to a bigger pot. It would be a waste throwing it away.