Simply Natural Nessa

How to Use Aloe Vera to Clear Up Acne Scars, Pimples and Black spots

how to extract the gel from aloe vera

How aloe vera gel can be an effective treatment for acne scars, pimples, and dark spots on skin, and improve skin’s overall complexion. Aloe vera is a slow-acting treatment, meaning it will take time to see results.

After my sister cleared up her acne, she shared with me that aloe vera played a huge part in helping to clear up any remaining darkened acne scars left behind on her skin.

By applying aloe vera gel to her skin every day, she was able to heal scarring left behind from the acne. The catch, however, was it did take around one and a half years to have effect.

Aloe vera is a slow-acting treatment, so you may not see much of a result right away. Again, it can take one to two years to reduce scarring left behind from acne, so don’t get disheartened if you cannot see any major changes right away, or even after a few months. Time is of the essence here, and for aloe vera to work effectively, it must be applied consistently, daily.

how to extract the gel from aloe vera
how to extract the gel from aloe vera
how to extract the gel from aloe vera

Aloe Vera as a Natural Treatment for Acne Scars

You can either use aloe gel that you’ve purchased (just make sure it’s as close to 100 percent pure aloe vera gel, nothing more) or fresh aloe gel that you’ve extracted from the plant.

The aloe gel works by stimulating collagen production, according to the Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences. A compound in aloe vera called “aloesin” may help to reduce hyperpigmentation in acne scars, as well as reduce the overproduction of melanin, a darker pigment that can make acne scars more noticeable. This in turn helps to lighten acne scars. Aloe vera also contains aloin, a natural compound that can help in lightening skin, too. The antibacterial agents found in aloe can help in removing bacteria from skin, helping to reduce the chance of spots and pimples developing.

To use, apply the gel generously to your face in place of a cleanser, or use as a spot-treatment and apply the gel to your acne breakout areas, dark spots, or pimples. Leave it on overnight and wash it off with warm water in the morning to reduce redness and irritation. If any irritation or adverse reactions occur, cease use immediately and wash the gel away from skin.

It is recommended to apply aloe vera gel twice daily.

how to extract the gel from aloe vera
how to extract the gel from aloe vera
how to extract the gel from aloe vera

How I Use Aloe Vera as Part of My Skin Care Routine

I’ve recently adopted a new practice as part of my skincare routine, where I collect some fresh aloe gel from my garden to use on my skin daily to help improve complexion. I find it gives my skin a beautiful even tone, reduces redness, and softens and smoothens any textured skin I may have.

Regular use of fresh aloe vera gel has been found to improve skin texture, increasing skin elasticity and reducing signs of aging.

I apply what I call an “aloe vera popsicle” to my skin each morning and night, rubbing the frozen aloe vera gel across my skin, then massaging the gel into my pores and around my face to ensure it is able to deeply cleanse and hydrate my skin. I leave it on my skin to soak in before applying some rose water and an overnight moisturising face balm to my skin to lock in the moisture.

Here is how to make the aloe popsicles using fresh aloe vera gel from the plant.

aloe vera skincare recipes
aloe vera skincare recipes
aloe vera skincare recipes
aloe vera skincare recipes

Frozen Aloe Vera Popsicles for Skin Care

Aloe vera is wonderful for moisturising skin, removing dead skin cells, encouraging healing and collagen production, treating acne, sunburn, and more. Applying this gel helps create a protective layer over the skin, sealing in moisture which, in turn, helps keep skin supple, plump and hydrated for longer.

Aloe gel also contains substances known as glycoproteins and polysaccharides, which assist with reducing inflammation and stimulating skin growth and repair.


To make:

  1. Begin by extracting the aloe vera gel from the leaf, you’ll want to collect as much of the gel as possible to use in these ice blocks.
  2. Once you have the gel, add it to a high speed blender, along with the water, and blitz until frothy and liquified; this should only take a few seconds.
  3. Pour the mixture into your popsicle moulds or an ice-cube tray and place in the freezer to set for 4 hours or overnight.
  4. Once set, these popsicles are ready to use. I personally rub the popsicles all over my face to saturate my skin in the aloe vera solution, and then massage the mix into my pores. I then leave it to dry before applying some rose water and a little face balm.
  5. I apply the aloe vera gel solution to my skin twice daily, once in the morning and then again in the evening, just before bed.
aloe vera skincare recipes
aloe vera skincare recipes
aloe vera skincare recipes
aloe vera skincare recipes

As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor before trying or using any new products. I am not a doctor. All opinions expressed are my own personal thoughts and feelings of the products mentioned. Check with your doctor or health practitioner if you are uncertain about trying out any of the products, recipes or tips mentioned in this post. Before use, test a small amount of aloe gel on skin to make sure there are no adverse reactions to it.

Have you used aloe vera gel in your skincare routine before? What did you think of it? Share in the comments below.

Lots of love,

🖤 Vanessa


Watson, Kathryn. (Updated: March 7, 2019). How to Use Aloe Vera for Acne. Healthline. Retrieved from

Nall, Rachel, MSN, CRNA. (August 14, 2019). Can Aloe Vera Reduce the Appearance of Acne Scars?. Healthline. Retrieved from

Cirino, Erica. (August 26, 2019). Can You Treat Skin Pigmentation with Aloe Vera?. Healthline. Retrieved from

Jerajani, Dhwani. (Updated: December 15, 2022). 9 Aloe Vera Benefits for Face and Skin!. PharmEasy. Retrieved from

Aloe. Mount Sanai. Retrieved from

Hekmatpou, Davood, PhD; Mehrabi, Fatemeh; Rahzani, Kobra, PhD; Aminiyan, Atefeh, PhD. (January 2019). The Effect of Aloe Vera Clinical Trials on Prevention and Healing of Skin Wound: A Systematic Review. Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences. NIH: National Library of Medicine. Retrieved from

Cho, Soyun, M.D., Ph.D.; Lee, Serah, M.S.; Lee, Min-Jung, M.S.; Lee, Dong Hun, M.D.; Won, Chong-Hyun, M.D., Ph.D.; Kim, Sang Min, Ph.D.; Chung, Jin Ho, M.D., Ph.D. (February 21, 2009). Dietary Aloe Vera Supplementation Improves Facial Wrinkles and Elasticity and It Increases the Type I Procollagen Gene Expression in Human Skin in vivo. Annals of Dermatology. NIH: National Library of Medicine. Retrieved from

Ranjan, Richa. (December 12, 2016). Why aloe vera should be a part of your skincare routine. Femina. Retrieved from

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