Simply Natural Nessa

How to Make Lavender-Infused Oil for Stress and Anxiety

diy lavender oil

How to make a homemade lavender oil using the oil infusion method for use in perfume, as a massage oil, to soothe bug bites, sunburns, eczema, stings, rashes, scars, to remove makeup, and more. Lavender oil can benefit the skin in numerous ways. It has the ability to help with acne, even skin tone, and reduce wrinkles. It can even be used to treat other ailments, such as improving hair health and digestion.

I’ve always wanted to be able to make my own homemade essential oils, but as I don’t have the proper distilling equipment necessary to separate the essential oil from the flower water using steam distillation, herbal-infused oils were the next best thing.

Lavender-infused oil is made by steeping dried lavender buds in a carrier oil such as extra virgin olive oil, rosehip oil, or jojoba oil for four to six weeks. Whole dry flower heads or just the petals can be used, but it is important that they’re completely dry before they are placed in the oil to steep. While fresh flowers can technically be used to create lavender oil, this increases the risk for bacterial growth or for the oil to become rancid due to the moisture content in the fresh flowers. Therefore, I prefer to use dried flowers.

diy lavender oil
diy lavender oil

However, if you want to capture the lavender fragrance and create more of a scented infused oil, fresh buds are more aromatic as the fragrance fades with the drying process.

While the flowers are steeping, the natural active resins within the lavender buds are extracted and drawn into the oil, making it a concentrated oil full of the herb’s healing properties. Herb-infused oils are a more gentle version of the therapeutic properties found in essential oils, as they come in a more diluted form.

The finished lavender oil can either be used on its own, or used as an ingredient to create other products like natural salves, ointments, or creams. Depending on the type of oil you choose to infuse the lavender buds with, this will likely dictate the uses for your finished lavender oil. For example, some oils are inedible, while others may not be great for skin.

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diy lavender oil
diy lavender oil
diy lavender oil
diy lavender oil

Uses for Lavender-Infused Oil

Some wonderful uses for lavender oil:

diy lavender oil
diy lavender oil
diy lavender oil
diy lavender oil
diy lavender oil

How to Make a ‘True’ Lavender Essential Oil

Steam distilling is required to make “true” essential oils. You need to distil the lavender buds, capture the steam, and condense the steam into a liquid, where the essential oil is separated from the plant and floats to the top of the water, and the floral water sits underneath.

This process requires specific equipment and a huge amount of lavender flowers to produce a tiny amount of essential oil, which is why most people will buy the essential oil already made, rather than making it at home. If you choose to go down the distillery route, it may be a good idea to go with tin-coated copper, since pure copper may be reactive with various botanicals.

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diy lavender oil
diy lavender oil

But, for those of us whose kitchens aren’t filled with distilling equipment, herb-infused oils are as close as we can get. Keep in mind that this oil will be less concentrated than true lavender essential oil.

So, without further ado, here is how to make lavender-infused oil from fresh lavender buds.

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diy lavender oil
diy lavender oil

How to Dry Fresh Lavender for Use in Lavender Oil

To harvest the blooms, cut the lavender flowers off the plant, tie them into a bunch and hang them upside-down to dry in a dark dry place for four weeks, or until completely dry. They take anywhere between two to four weeks to fully dry. The lavender flowers will feel brittle once they’re ready.

Using two rubber bands per dried lavender bunch, tie one band just beneath the flower heads and one at the base of stems, then hang the bundles upside-down to dry in a dark, warm spot. To retain the best colour, protect the drying lavender from sunlight, and place a sheet beneath the bundles to catch any buds or blooms that might fall.

Before we get started in learning how to make this homemade lavender-infused oil, if you like what you’re seeing, subscribe to my email newsletter at the bottom of the page to keep up to date on the latest recipes, DIYs, gardening and health tips I share!

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diy lavender oil
diy lavender oil
diy lavender oil
diy lavender oil
diy lavender oil
diy lavender oil
diy lavender oil
diy lavender oil
Drying out the lavender.

Homemade Lavender-Infused Oil

This easy DIY lavender oil can help to soothe irritated skin, sunburns, bug bites, sunburns, eczema, stings, rashes, scars, and moisturise the skin, making it a great natural makeup remover.

Over the course of several weeks, the carrier oil extracts the natural plant properties found in the lavender, including traces of lavender essential oil. Lavender-infused oil, therefore, carries the medicinal benefits of lavender as well as its scent.


To make:

  1. Whether you decide to use dried or fresh lavender, chop it into smaller pieces and away cut the stems. Smaller pieces make for a better extraction.
  2. Fill a clean glass jar with the lavender, then pour over the olive oil or other carrier oil of your choice so all flower material is completely covered.
  3. Use a spoon to mix the flowers through the oil, making sure that all pieces of lavender are coated and covered with the oil and any air bubbles are gone.
  4. Secure the lid tightly, then place the jar in the dark warm spot, with no direct sunlight to infuse for four to six weeks, shaking it once or twice daily to help the oil infuse with the flowers.
  5. After four to six weeks, strain the oil through some cheesecloth or a nut milk bag, and pour the oil into a clean dark glass bottle for storage, and keep it in a cool, dark place. This lavender oil will have a mild aroma to it. It will never be as strong as true essential oils. To give the oil extra fragrance, add a few drops of your favourite organic lavender essential oil.
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diy lavender oil
diy lavender oil
diy lavender oil
diy lavender oil
diy lavender oil
diy lavender oil

Lavender-infused oil recipe

As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor before trying or using any new products. I am not a doctor. All opinions expressed are my own personal thoughts and feelings of the products mentioned. Check with your doctor or health practitioner if you are uncertain about trying out any of the products, recipes or tips mentioned in this post.

Have you made infused oils before? Share in the comments below.

Lots of love,



  1. Which one better smell for use to candle ?

    Thank you for make a lovely Video ..

    1. Great question. I found the alcohol-based tincture to have a stronger lavender scent than the coconut oil one.

  2. By using a higher proof alcohol do you think it would put out a more potent aroma?

    1. I’m not sure, I’ll need to look into it and get back to you 🙂

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