Simply Natural Nessa

The Truth about Mobile Phones & WiFi Radiation

how to reduce WiFi exposure

Today, WiFi is everywhere, and much stronger than it’s ever been…

I had one of the most engaging conversations with one of my friends a few weeks ago.

It was one of those conversations that inspires, empowers, and amazes you all at once. One of the subjects we touched on was WiFi and its affects on our health and the planet.

With technology changing and developing at rapid rates, we’ve moved passed the hassle of using cables to being completely wireless.

Landline phones have become a thing of the past, with most of us having access to mobile phones now. TV’s can be switched on by remote, we can monitor our babies using wireless baby monitors, and there are even such things as smart houses now, which can be controlled through automated programming and remote controls.

With all this incredible tech, it’s also brought with it unprecedented levels of electromagnetic radiation from wireless signals.

You can test it out now.

Grab your phone, turn on the WiFi, and watch as many different signals begin to appear before your very eyes…

This goes to show that we’re being exposed to not just one signal, but many different networks throughout the day, almost everywhere we go.

how to reduce WiFi exposure
how to reduce WiFi exposure

So, is WiFi Safe?

This is quite a controversial topic. When it comes to WiFi, there seems to be two sides;

  1. Those who believe it’s completely fine and like the idea of “smart” houses, cars, etc. with everything around them running off WiFi; or
  2. Those who desire to live off the grid, staying right away from any electromagnetic influences at all times.

I personally believe the truth is somewhere in the middle.

WiFi does not have an immediate effect on our health, which is why many choose to ignore any idea about it potentially causing any harm to us or the planet. It can, however, interfere with body functions, which overtime, can lead illnesses like cancer and neurodegenerative diseases from prolonged exposure.

According to a Dr. Axe article, the ‘Environmental Health Trust warns of the dangers of electromagnetic radiation, saying it contributes to a person’s toxic body burden. The organization points to research showing that the protective barrier of the brain, the blood-brain barrier, is compromised due to wireless electromagnetic radiation. Several studies suggest wireless radiation pokes holes in this protective barrier, causing more toxic compounds to reach the brain.’

As there is limited evidence of wireless radiation effects on humans, it may be why regulators claim that this type of radiation is thought to be “safe”.

how to reduce WiFi exposure
how to reduce WiFi exposure

The article goes on to say that, ‘doctors and organizations have also voiced concerns over Wi-Fi technologies in schools, where students and teachers often experience heavy electromagnetic radiation exposure throughout the entire day. Stephen Sinatra, MD, an integrative metabolic cardiologist and co-founder of Doctors for Safer Schools, says the heart is sensitive too and can be adversely affected by the same frequency used for Wi-Fi (2.4 GHz) at levels a fraction of federal guidelines (less than 1%) and at levels that have been recorded in schools with Wi-Fi technology.’

‘Children in high-tech classrooms have complained of the following symptoms,’ including ‘dizziness, racing heart or irregular heartbeat, weakness, anxiety, fatigue, feeling faint, difficulty concentrating, and chest pain or pressure,’ says Dr. Sinatra.

Children and developing foetuses are thought to be more at risk from radiation. There are many products available on the market which can help protect growing babies in the womb from WiFi radiation, like this belly band embrace and belly armour blanket for pregnant mums to use (always check reviews and talk with a medical professional about which products to buy for EMF protection, as some products aren’t scientifically tested for effectiveness, so may prove to be ineffective).

how to reduce WiFi exposure
how to reduce WiFi exposure
how to reduce WiFi exposure
how to reduce WiFi exposure
how to reduce WiFi exposure
how to reduce WiFi exposure

How to Reduce WiFi Exposure

Until we know more about the long-term effects of WiFi, it’s important to take precautions in the meantime to minimise exposure. While some may toss their head up at the idea that WiFi could possibly be dangerous, when we look back at how smoking was once thought to be healthy for us, it doesn’t seem so ludicrous.

Some ways to help reduce WiFi exposure include:

  • Turning off the WiFi before going to bed. WiFi signal can interfere with the brain while you sleep, so it’s a good idea to turn it off before bed (which can actually cut down WiFi exposure by about 33%).
  • Keep your phone and computer at a distance when possible. Avoid carrying your phone in a pocket or bra, using your laptop on your lap, or using a separate keyboard and mouse.
  • Switch on WiFi router ONLY when you need to use it. This is the device that enables computers, smartphones, etc. to connect to the internet wirelessly.
  • Avoid Bluetooth headsets and use speakerphone instead
  • Stop using wireless altogether and hardwire all your connections. This may seem a little extreme, but it’s the most effective way to reduce WiFi exposure. Also switching to wired peripherals for items such as a mouse, keyboard, and headphone set instead of wireless can reduce exposure, too.
  • Hold off for as long as you can on upgrading to smart cars, homes, offices, etc. Things like wireless baby monitors, Bluetooth-controlled car speakers, smart home technology that lets you monitor and automate in-home systems, etc.
  • Switch devices to Airplane Mode. When the receivers are turned on, mobile phones and tablets emit electromagnetic frequencies.
how to reduce WiFi exposure
how to reduce WiFi exposure

Natural Ways to Reduce the Harmful Effects of EMFs

It may not be possible to completely eliminate exposure to WiFi, especially in today’s world, but along with the actions above, there are a few more ways to help lessen the harmful effects of WiFi signals on the body:

  • Earthing or grounding. This involves making direct contact with the earth, which carries its own mild negative charge. Everything in the natural world (i.e. plants, animals, water, us) vibrates at a frequency of 7.83 Hz (which is the Schumann resonance). This is the Earth’s own natural electromagnetic frequency (EMF) and we’re naturally built for it. Wireless devices emit what is known as positive ions, which interfere with the waves in the body. Through earthing, the body is able to rebalance positive ions with negative ions from the earth.
  • Eat a healthy diet. Diet can play a huge role in protecting the body from EMF exposure. One of my favourite recipes for assisting with radiation exposure that was recommended to me by my naturopath, is stewed apples. According to a Dr. Axe article, ‘high Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) foods can make a big difference in healing EMF-related DNA damage. Try adding pecans, pomegranate seeds, rosemary, asparagus, blueberries, walnuts, prunes, cruciferous vegetables, cinnamon, dates, broccoli and cilantro into your diet on a regular basis. Certain nutrients and amazing superfoods, such as iodine, Vitamin D3, spirulina, noni, B-complex vitamins, melatonin, holy basil, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium and zinc, are just a few beneficial options you can easily incorporate into your daily life.’
  • Dirty electricity filters. According to Wellness Mama, ‘dirty electricity occurs when electronic devices need to manipulate the electric currents into the format and voltage that the devices need. This can create electrical surges throughout the wiring system. Electronic devices, including WiFi Routers, phone chargers, and computers all produce dirty electricity, which can be a significant source of harmful electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) in the building.’

To help lessen the effects, install dirty electricity filters throughout your home and workplace.

how to reduce WiFi exposure
how to reduce WiFi exposure

As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor before trying or using any new products. I am not a doctor. All opinions expressed are my own personal thoughts and feelings of the products mentioned. Check with your doctor or health practitioner if you are uncertain about trying out any of the products, recipes or tips mentioned in this post.

Are you concerned about WiFi exposure and new wireless technologies being brought out every year? What are your thoughts on them? Share in the comments below.

Lots of love,



Wells, Katie. (January 26, 2019). Is WiFi Safe? Simple Steps to Reduce The Negative Effects. Wellness Mama. Retrieved from

Fixed, Get. (October 18, 2015). How Things Work: Wifi Wireless Internet Router And How It Works | Get Fixed. YouTube. Retrieved from

Nunez, Kirsten. (June 22, 2021). Does Wi-Fi Cause Cancer?. Healthline. Retrieved from

Brice, August. (). Is WiFi Safe? How to Turn Off WiFi? How Far Should I be From the WiFi? Answers to EMF Radiation Protection Questions. Tech Wellness. Retrieved from

Sinha Dutta, Dr. Sanchari, Ph.D. (Updated: April 30, 2020). Does WiFi Affect the Brain?. News Medical Life Sciences. Retrieved from

Oliver, Kyra. (February 8, 2018). Electromagnetic Radiation: Are EMFs Really a Risk?. Dr. Axe. Retrieved from

Zerbe, Leah, MS, NASM-CPT, NASM-CES. (May 5, 2019). 5G Health Effects: Is This Wireless Technology Even Safe?. Dr. Axe. Retrieved from

Zerbe, Leah, MS, NASM-CPT, NASM-CES. (November 11, 2017). Cell Phone Health Impacts: How Are Devices Impacting Our Bodies?. Dr. Axe. Retrieved from

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