Hi, I'm Vanessa
I started Simply Natural Nessa, as a way to share alternative ways for healing the body of illness and ailments naturally, to help achieve optimal health via natural, holistic methods.
I’m a photographer, videographer, activist, and blogger, and my big passions in life are both health and nutrition, and the environment. I love spending as much time as I can out in nature, particularly in the mountains and at the beaches around where I live on the coast, in northern Australia.
I was plant-based for six years, but I’m no longer anymore. I use this website as a platform to share my learnings and creations for natural, toxic-free, plastic-free, sustainable alternatives to everyday products, recipes, and items we use on a daily basis for things like skin care, cosmetics, remedies, food, hair care, beauty, and more. I’m currently building my skills in photography and videography to fulfil my dream of becoming a marine photographer and videographer.
I never force my opinions or views onto others, but rather show through my own choices and learnings as I adopt a slow living approach to life, how there can be other ways of living, and (hopefully) this inspires others to consider a different way of life.
This space holds no judgement. We are all on our own journey, and that looks different for everyone. I, by no means, have life ‘figured out.’ I’m still learning, too, and will continue to do so each day of my life. I hope I can inspire you to live a life more aligned with your values, so you to, can enjoy this precious life we are blessed with.
If you want to get in touch with me, please contact me here.
Vanessa Dixon
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