Simply Natural Nessa

What to Do About Vaginal Odour

natural remedies for vaginal odour

Vaginal odour is something all women deal with, and while it’s completely natural and normal for your vagina to have some kind of scent, certain vaginal smells can signal something’s not right.

One of the most commonly occurring (and least talked about) concerns is vaginal odour.

I love this phrase by Healthline, ‘A healthy vagina smells like a lot of different things, flowers isn’t one of them.’

It’s so true! We as women have an “expectation” to smell like a meadow full of roses everywhere, but that’s neither natural nor healthy.

Is Vaginal Odour Normal?

Every healthy woman has her own noticeable vaginal odour, even if she practices proper hygiene. It can be similar to light fermented milk or musk, although the exact scent varies from woman to woman.

A woman’s individual vaginal odour can also change depending on factors such as age, physiological features, physical activity, and the phase of her menstrual cycle, among other things.

Vaginal odour can also change after intercourse without condoms, as the vaginal flora is disturbed from the changes to the vagina’s pH. The pH balance of the vagina is naturally around 3.8 – 4.5, while that of sperm is around 7.2 – 8.0. The same happens during menstruation, as blood is slightly alkaline.

Hormonal changes may influence vaginal odour also. According to an article by Dr. Axe, ‘vaginal secretions during menstruation and between ovulation and your next period may have a more unpleasant odor than during other parts of the cycle.’

There’s no need to get rid of your natural vaginal odour, however, if there is an unusual increase in vaginal discharge and the odour becomes stronger, unpleasant, or fishy, and is accompanied by itching or burning, it may be helpful to see your doctor to ensure there are no underlying health problems.

Sweat and Vaginal Odour

For many, sweat is an uncomfortable part of life – especially when it occurs in the land down under.

Sweating is a natural process. It’s one of the ways the body cools itself. Without it, we would severely overheat.

It’s perfectly normal to sweat whenever you’re hot or stressed. It doesn’t matter if you’re working out, sitting in a hot room, or just wearing too many layers.

Certain areas of the body, like our armpits, are more prone to sweating than other areas due to the high concentration of sweat glands and hair follicles in that area. The groin is an area which behaves in much the same way as the armpits, and has a plethora of bacteria.

Just like the armpits, the groin houses apocrine glands which secrete a fatty type of sweat that contains proteins. The proteins are broken down by bacteria, and that’s what produces odour.

Almost all other parts of the body have eccrine glands, which secrete water, so they’re less odourous. The highest concentration of these sweat glands are found on our palms, feet and head.

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)

A more serious reason behind unpleasant vaginal odour is an infection called bacterial vaginosis (BV). Medical attention should be sought if this is the case. Some common signs and symptoms of BV include:

  • A fishy, unpleasant odour
  • Grey, yellow, or green discharge
  • Vaginal itching
  • Burning during urination

Abnormal discharge may be yellow or green, chunky in consistency, or foul smelling. Yeast or a bacterial infection are usually the root cause of this. If you notice any discharge that looks unusual or smells really unpleasant, see your doctor.

Types of Vaginal Odours

According to a Healthline article, some common vaginal odours include a tangy or fermented smell (this is considered normal), a coppery scent (like a penny) which is also considered normal, a sweet smell like that of molasses (normal), or a smoked herbal, earthy scent (also normal).

Some unhealthy vaginal odours listed include a chemical smell like that of a newly cleaned bathroom, a fishy scent, or a rotten smell.

Natural Remedies for Improving Vaginal Odour

Here are a few home remedies to help with vaginal odour naturally. No douches, soaps, deodorants, perfumes, or chemicals of any kind necessary or needed.

Practice Good Hygiene

Cleaning the vagina regularly will help keep odour at bay. Use a gentle washcloth to help wash away dead skin, sweat, and dirt. You can use a gentle soap on the outside, but when it comes to inside the labia, soap often burns and irritates this area as it’s much more sensitive. Simply letting the water rush over the area is often enough to keep the labia around the vagina clean. The vagina itself does not need to be cleaned, as it self-cleans on its own. Do not use perfumed soaps, body washes, or other scented cleansers to clean this area as the scents and chemicals can upset the vagina’s natural pH. Bar soaps may be gentler than body wash, but often warm water is enough.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, a fatty acid which contains antibacterial properties that can help control levels of bacteria present on the body.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil contains strong antifungal properties and is a great antiseptic. Simply add a few drops to some water or witch hazel on a cotton pad, then apply it to the vagina area daily. Make sure to dilute the oil with the water or witch hazel, as tea tree oil is quite potent and can cause some initial sensitivity or irritation to the groin area.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is naturally acidic, and contains antibacterial properties to prevent the accumulation of bacteria, which in turn can help with odour. There are a few ways to use ACV on the vagina:

  1. Mix one teaspoon of ACV with one tablespoon of coconut oil. You can apply this mixture to the vulva or insert it into the vagina, as well as take it internally.
  2. Rinsing the vulva in a solution of two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and one cup of water twice per day may help alleviate symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.
  3. Pour two cups of ACV into a warm bath and soak for 40-60 minutes.

Baking Soda

Baking soda can help to balance the pH level in the body. To use, simply add half a cup of baking soda to your bathwater and soak for about 15-20 minutes. Thoroughly dry your body before putting on clothes, making sure no moisture is left sitting in the groin area.


Garlic is well-known for its antimicrobial and antifungal properties, which makes it excellent for fighting yeast infections (like candida). But, what many people don’t know is it’s a natural antibiotic, and may help with vaginal infections.

Consume garlic in its raw or cooked form on a daily basis by incorporating it into meals, or alternatively, having it in capsule form. You can also eat one to two raw garlic cloves on an empty stomach with a glass of warm water, but this does take some getting used to.


The mucous membranes in the vagina need water to function properly. Water helps lubricate your vagina naturally, and also helps diminish vaginal smells. It’s recommended to drink between two to three litres of water each day.

Neem Leaves or Neem Bark Extract

Neem leaves and bark contain antiseptic, antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties that help to support a balanced intestinal flora while also fighting infection from fungi, like candida. According to Dr. Axe, ‘In vitro studies showed efficacy against infections, such as gonorrhoea, chlamydia and herpes, in sexually active women who took neem oil extract in the tablet form.’


Parsley leaves have been found to contain anti-odour properties. The chlorophyll present in parsley (and coriander, too) helps with detoxification in the body, aiding in the removal of toxins, which in turn, can reduce odour.

Why it’s NOT Good to Use Vaginal Sprays

Even though deodorant is a great solution for underarm odour, it should never be used on the groin area as it can throw off its natural pH. Vaginal deodorants, douches and feminine sprays may cause redness, irritation and even yeast infections.

The good news is that your vagina naturally cleanses itself, so you don’t need to buy special products to clean it. Practicing good hygiene and changing your underwear regularly is usually all it takes in most cases to stop any odour. Opt for natural fabrics like organic cotton, bamboo, hemp, and linen instead of synthetic materials like polyester, as they don’t breathe as well. Natural fabrics allow sweat to evaporate from the skin.

As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor before trying or using any new products. I am not a doctor. All opinions expressed are my own personal thoughts and feelings of the products mentioned. Check with your doctor or health practitioner if you are uncertain about trying out any of the products, recipes or tips mentioned in this post.

What are some natural tips you use to help with B.O? Have you tried any of these remedies before? Share in the comments below.

Lots of love,



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