Simply Natural Nessa

How to Make a Simple Dream Catcher (Step-By-Step)

DIY dream catcher

Dream Catchers originated with the Native Americans, but rose to popularity in the Western World back in the 1960’s and 1970’s with the hippies. From there the love spread and they’ve since become a well-loved favourite by just about everyone.

Do you know the meaning behind dream catchers?

According to One Tribe Apparel, ‘Native American cultures believe that both good and bad dreams fill the air at night. The dream catcher acts like a spider’s web by trapping the bad dreams or visions while allowing the good ones to filter through. The bad dreams caught in the web get destroyed when the sunlight of morning hits the dream catcher, while the good dreams filter down through the feathers and gently reach the sleeping person below.’

DIY dream catcher
DIY dream catcher
DIY dream catcher

There are so many different styles, patterns, and designs for dream catchers, making each one individual and unique. When it comes to making your own there is no right or wrong way to go about it. It is very difficult (nearly impossible) to exactly replicate a dream catcher design. Any time you are working with dream catchers, there will be differences in how embellishments hang, or how intricate designs look. That’s okay! It’s what makes them unique to you.

Before we get started in learning how to make a DIY dream catcher, if you like what you’re seeing, subscribe to my email newsletter at the bottom of the page to keep up to date on the latest recipes, DIYs, gardening and health tips I share!!

DIY dream catcher
DIY dream catcher
DIY dream catcher
DIY dream catcher

How to Make a DIY Dream Catcher

This DIY dream catcher is really easy to make, but difficult to explain. I hope the photos will help along with the written instructions. I have also linked my video tutorial below to give a first-hand look at how it was made. As I mentioned before dream catchers are very challenging to replicate exactly, so embrace the personality of your own DIY dream catcher, as it’s made to fit you.


  • Metal hoop
  • 2.8m white ribbon
  • 5-7 feathers
  • 30m white thread/twine
  • 5-7 geometric beads
  • 30-40 small pearl beads
  • 6-8 oval beads
  • Scissors

Please note that I used beads for this DIY dream catcher but you can swap them out for gemstones that resonate with you, and that also add soothing and calming properties to help promote sleep.

To make:

  1. Start wrapping the white ribbon around the hoop. Secure the ribbon with a small knot on the hoop, then snugly wrap the ribbon around the hoop with a slight overlap, completely covering it. Once you’ve covered the whole hoop, secure the ribbon with another small knot, then trim the ribbon.
  2. Tie one end of the thread around the hoop at the top of the dream catcher.
  3. Bring the thread down to the bottom of the dream catcher and wrap it around the hoop, then bring the thread back up. Continue bringing the thread up, down, diagonal, side-to-side to form a web. Once finished, secure the end of the thread onto the dream catcher with a small knot, then trim. Alternatively, to create a traditional weaving pattern you see on many dream catchers, grab your thread once you’ve finished wrapping the ribbon around the hoop and secure one end of the thread to the hoop in a small knot at the top of the dream catcher.
  4. Begin weaving your thread around the hoop. Moving clockwise, pass the thread under the ring. Bring it back over the top of the ring to the left, coming back down behind the loop and pulling taut (you are not tying these, just simply looping the thread over). Repeat seven more times, with the seventh loop at your starting knot on the hoop. Each loop of these base strings will be about 12cm apart.
  5. Now continue the same looping technique on the strings rather than the hoop, weaving in smaller and smaller circles. Make sure to centre your loops on each string as you go.
  6. Then continue, centring each loop until you reach the middle.
  7. You will find an embroidery needle useful in the tighter weaving. Tie off the thread when you reach the hoop centre (or when you can no longer fit the needle in the next opening). (See video tutorial here for clarification.)
  8. Cut the following lengths of twine: three 20cm, two 30cm, two 40cm, and tie a feather to the bottom of each piece of twine. Slip a geometric bead over the twine tail and quill of the feather to cover the join. Repeat for each piece of twine.
  9. For the 20cm lengths, add three to four pearl beads and one oval bead to each, securing with a knot. For the 30cm lengths, measure 5cm from the top of the geometric bead and tie a knot. Add one oval bead and 3-4 pearl beads, then secure the beads with a knot. For the 40cm lengths, measure 9cm from the top of the geometric bead, tie a knot, then add three to four pearl beads and one oval bead. Secure with a knot.
  10. Hang the feather-bead embellishments in the following order, left to right: 20cm, 30cm, 40cm, 20cm, 40cm, 30cm, 20cm. Space the embellishments approximately 2.5cm apart. The top of the oval beads should meet the bottom of the hoop for each embellishment.
  11. For the hanging loop at the top of the dream catcher, cut a 30cm length of twine. Slip the twine under and around at the very top centre of the hoop. Thread one oval bead and three to four pearl beads through both tails. Knot over the beads and at the ends of the tails, creating a small loop.
DIY dream catcher
DIY dream catcher

As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor before trying or using any new products. I am not a doctor. All opinions expressed are my own personal thoughts and feelings of the products mentioned. Check with your doctor or health practitioner if you are uncertain about trying out any of the products, recipes or tips mentioned in this post. 

Have you made a dream catcher before? How did it go? Share in the comments below.

Lots of love,


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